Two Advantages of Having Vibrating Tables in a Factory

19 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Whilst many factories make do without vibrating tables, there are several significant advantages that a factory owner can experience if they have this equipment on their premises. Here are two of those advantages.

Their Staff Won’t Get Injured Due to Manually Compacting Materials

If a factory makes or uses materials that need to be compacted and it lacks this equipment, then its staff may need to compact these materials by hand. This is a task that could easily result in the staff being injured, even if they have protective gloves on whilst doing it. For example, if the materials that need to be compacted are sharp pieces of stone and a staff member who is compacting these materials doesn't realise that one of their protective gloves has torn, then they could cut their hand whilst trying to place pressure on the gravel to make it more compact.

In addition to affecting their personal wellbeing and potentially resulting in them having to take several days or weeks off work, a staff member getting injured like this could also lead to the materials they were supposed to finish compacting not getting processed fast enough, which could cause issues for the factory owner and their business. If, however, a factory owner gets a vibrating table, which generates vibrations that will result in the quick and easy compaction of materials without any of the staff having to directly handle these materials, they will not only be protecting their employees from harm but will also be ensuring that the processing of their enterprise's materials doesn't get delayed as a result of any compaction-related injuries.

The Factory’s Materials Will Get Compacted Faster and More Uniformly

Another advantage that factory owners can experience if they have this equipment is that their materials get compacted faster and more uniformly than if their staff members used their hands or manual tools to do this job. The reason for this is that vibrating tables move at a specific and steady pace, which means that there will be virtually no inconsistencies, in regards to the compaction levels of each batch of materials that travel over them.

Conversely, if the factory staff are doing this with their gloved hands or with manual compaction tools, certain batches of materials that they handle may end up being more compact than others due to, for example, a staff member getting tired and not applying as much pressure when handling some of the materials or due to them losing focus and not realising that they failed to compact some of the materials.

For more information about vibrating tables, contact a local supplier.
